The Story.
Casting Pearls at Swine
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I felt like Jesus when he said about casting pearls at swine where its such a waste of time and effort to explain about the full context of the bible where the person:
1) Does not even believe the bible is entirely necessary.
2) Thinking that the Word of God will only be revealed to 'chosen' people.
3) Making the entire bible like a big mystery to be solve.
4) Reading the bible and contexts in parts.
5) Saying that it's God's will for a person to be good or bad.
If you have the above symptoms, please don't waste my time to put your point across. My God differs from you. So since it is different, please kindly refrain from sharing or want to me 'share' to you to prove your point as there will be no conclusion.
I believe:
1) God's entire Word is totally necessary and applicable whether old or new testament. His Word is complete truth and nothing shall be added or taken even to the slightest dot!
2) My interpretation might not be right, so it's yours. So stop bothering me!
3) There is no big 'hoo haa' mystery to be solved! Give me a break! Why did God want to give us the bible to confuse us?
4) Read the FULL Word of the bible and its counsel. You don't break it in parts to claim its the entire truth since its not really the ENTIRE Word. Stop contradicting yourself!
5) My God is only a GOOD God. If you think He is of any Bad, you can look for satan, where he seems to resemble your god more.
I am not against anyone whose points differs, so don't bother me with ur really DEEP theology since only you've got your own revelation. I'll see u in heaven. I still accept you as who u are and love u. World Peace okay?!Labels: Happenings, Thoughts
Jimmy Yong has blogged at 3:47 AM.
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