The Story.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
有沒有那麼一種永遠 永遠不改變
擁抱過的美麗都 再也不破碎
讓險峻歲月不能在臉上撒野 讓生離和死別都遙遠
有沒有那麼一滴眼淚 能洗掉後悔
化成大雨降落在 回不去的街
再給我一次機會 將故事改寫
或欠了他一生的 一句抱歉
有沒有那麼一個世界 永遠不天黑
星星太陽萬物都 聽我的指揮
月亮不忙著圓缺 春天不走遠
樹梢緊緊擁抱著樹葉 有誰能聽見
有沒有那麼一張書籤 停止那一天
最單純的笑臉和 最美那一年
雙眼只有無猜和無邪 讓我們無法無天
有沒有那麼一個明天 重頭活一遍
讓我再次感受曾 揮霍的昨天
無論生存或生活 我都不浪費 不讓故事這麼的後悔
Labels: Music, Thoughts
Jimmy Yong has blogged at 11:34 PM.
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Friday, October 8, 2010
Why am i always waiting? Sometimes its a process i do not really like. Many are frustrating and some unbearable. Tired... really tired of waiting. What would it be? I really want to know. No wonder God say patience (longsuffering) is a fruit of the spirit. Its really suffering "long" in a wait!
Labels: Thoughts
Jimmy Yong has blogged at 11:33 PM.
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Been Long...
Monday, October 4, 2010
I thought i might not blog again.... but today i am feeling really down... so just want to jot this down somewhere...
Labels: Thoughts
Jimmy Yong has blogged at 11:49 PM.
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Yesterday we had overnight prayer meeting and the presence of God was awesome. And today a few of us decide to go JB to chill. It was fantastic.
Went to this small shop, if i can remember clearly, its call "sing kee" for JB local food. Pst was so excited when he talk to Vivien about it in his car. Oh, something to add on is that Pst Ken was a great driver. Fast, swift and accurate. He drove super near to alot of vehicles and his judgement of car was awesome... he can sms with is blackberry somemore while he is driving! Kekeke.....
So the 5 of us (Pst Ken, vien, ping, ling and me) went for authentic thai massage at city square. The ladies shared a room while me and pst shared another. This thai massage was really AUTHENTIC! It it was quite cheap as well compared to singapore. Their masseuse are all thais and their skills was superb. Pst mention he has been here for a few times and their standard of service is always maintained at a high level. Pst feel asleep during the massage while i was kinda not use to it so was quite awake.
Pst had to leave to teach bible study back in SG... so gotta leave right after. The rest of us went for dinner at this restoran under the tree... haha... to eat their "cizar"... nice nice. =)
Labels: Happenings
Jimmy Yong has blogged at 9:55 PM.
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Eternal Flame
Friday, October 2, 2009
Yay! I've got my 1st album of Do As Infinity after they are back in Action! I am so happy, but the thing is that it cost me $62.95 for this album. Its a imported album, as it is "Made in Japan"... but i bought it nevertheless or else it would be swept off the shop.
Wondering when are they going to have make their albums that is for export to south east asia just like last time, so that i could purchase it like other CD prices that is not that EXPENSIVE! I guess i would not care for now... cuz i am a die-hard fan of Do As Infinity. Love their music!
Jimmy Yong has blogged at 10:34 AM.
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Yet again...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Bad day, bad moments, bad memories. Just too tired and dun feel like talking. Just feel like "deleting" this day away.
Words. Yet again cannot fully expresses.
Defense. Yet again only builds walls.
Thoughts. Yet again not shared.
Openness. Yet again without understand.
Apology. Yet again required heartfelt sincerity.
Just don't ask....
Labels: Thoughts
Jimmy Yong has blogged at 9:46 PM.
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Ipoh Missions
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
This is really a great experience for me. The team have been great and together we forged great friendship with one another. Pastor Lian, his family and workers have been most awesome. Greatly touched by their hospitality and openness.
I can see so much potential of what God wants to do when there is such simple faith in them. When one man takes a step of faith, God can work miracle for him. Also, i am impressed by their praise and worship team all over... how did they managed to do that when they started about only half a year ago?! If not for God's wisdom and anointing, how is that made possible?!
It brings me to remembrance of Old Hollywood Days where the people are so open and willing... Everyone plays a part in building the house of God... When everyone builds up, the kingdom advances. Willingness is the key to Greatness just like wad Jesus mentioned, those who are humble will be exalted.
I believe God is gonna blessed them mighty...
Labels: Happenings, Thoughts
Jimmy Yong has blogged at 2:15 AM.
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